Practical Training

The Internship (Practical Training) of the Students of the Department of Agriculture, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment of the School of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Thessaly, is implemented within the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" (NSRF 2014-2020) and is institutionalized in the department where the following hold:

  • It is recognized as an approved activity of students associated with the Curriculum.
  • It is mandatory for obtaining the degree and is listed in the Diploma Supplement.
  • It is graded receiving a total of 6 ECTS.
  • Its duration is four months and takes place during the summer months (July and August). Students who have completed the 6th semester are required to complete a two-month PA (July and August) in public institutions (Fisheries Departments) and students who have completed the 8th semester are required to complete a PA in productive institutions, both public and private. private sector.
  • It is supervised by the faculty members (Supervisors) of the Department, who are appointed by the Scientific Officer (SC) and approved by the Assembly of the Department, for each academic year.
  • The Supervisors are in charge of monitoring and guiding the trainee students throughout the PA, as well as the evaluation of the student and the institution.

The practical training is carried out during the first two months exclusively in the Fisheries Departments of the local Regional Units of the country, with the criterion of selection the place of residence or origin of the students and the second two months in productive bodies of both the public sector, e.g. research centers (ELKETHE, INALE, etc.), public fish markets, public research laboratories, universities, etc. as well as the private sector, e.g. aquaculture units (of marine and inland waters), catch processing units, fishing associations, research offices, chemical laboratories, snail farms, etc., provided that the bodies are active in areas related to those studied in the Department.

The Scientific appointed of the Department for the practical training is Professor Dimitrios Vafeidis.

The following are useful instructions and application forms necessary for the process of starting and completing the PT, which can also be found on the website of the Internship Office of the University of Thessaly.

To download the presentation of the Internship which contains very useful information please click here.

For more information click Intership Rules

Internship Office