Dimitrios Vafidis, Professor


Subject: Biodiversity of Marine Benthic Invertebrates and their direct - indirect usefulness

Dimitrios Vafeidis is a Professor of Marine Biodiversity at the Department of Agriculture, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment of the School of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Thessaly. His studies were completed at the Department of Biology of AUTh. He was trained in Canada and the Netherlands, and to this day maintains his collaborations with foreign scientists. He has been a researcher at the Institute of Fisheries Biology. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses such as Biodiversity, Marine Biology, Ecology, Zoology and Conservation Biology. Throughout his academic career he has supervised and conducted the elaboration of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral dissertations. The main part of his research activity concerns marine biology, biodiversity and objects related to the coastal management of fishery resources of invertebrates. He is the author of more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. He has been a coordinator and scientifically responsible for a number of research projects funded by European and national resources. He is the Director of the Laboratory of Marine Biology of the Department of Agriculture, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment of the University of Thessaly and has consecutive terms as President of the Department that he serves.

Email: dvafidis@uth.gr

Phone: +30.24210.93133