Berillis Panagiotis, Associate Professor

Αναπληρωτές Καθηγητές

Subject: Microscopy and Image Analysis in Histology and Aquatic Organisms

Panagiotis Berillis has a degree in Physics (Physics Department of Ioannina University, 2000) and a PhD in Biophysics (Medical School of Ioannina University, 2004). Now, he is Associate Professor at the Department of Ichthyology & Aquatic Environment, University of Thessaly. He has published 30 research articles, 60 conference papers and abstracts, 4 reviews, 2 book chapters and 1 monograph. He is also the author of the books “Optical and Electron Microscopy” and “Histology and Physiology of Fish and Crustaceans”. He is Chief Editor in 2 international scientific journals, member of the Editorial Board in 3 international scientific journals and reviewer in 29 international scientific journals. He has been scientific leader of 3 research projects and team member in 11 research projects (National and EU). He is member of the Hellenic Technology Platform for Aquaculture (HE.TE.P.A) and of the Hellenic Society for Biological Sciences. His research interests are focused on aquaculture, aquaponics, histology/histopathology of aquatic organism, collagen and tissue mechanical properties.

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Email: pveril@uth.gr

Phone: +30.24210.93248