Parlapani Fotini, Assistant Professor (M.Sc., Ph.D.)

Επίκουροι καθηγητές

Subject area: Molecular Microbiology, Safety and Quality of Seafood

Dr Parlapani is working on Molecular Microbiology, Safety and Quality of Seafood. Her interests focus on the monitoring of seafood spoilers and foodborne pathogens along the production chain in order to solve problems towards food safety and quality assurance. In her career, she has participated in communication activities in Greece and the USA, introduced new strategies for innovation, development and well-being in Sub-Saharan Africa, developed training programs regarding food quality and safety for professionals in catering and leisure, suggested a new concept for tracking of microbial and chemical hazards of seafood in both artificial (aquaculture) and natural ecosystems, worked on more than 18 research projects and educational programs, she has over 70 publications, she is a reviewer in many international journals of Elsevier, Springer Nature, Wiley, Frontiers, MDPI, etc., she is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology (Taylor & Francis) and collaborates with scientists around the world.





Email: fwparlap@uth.gr

Phone: +30.24210.93264