Diploma Thesis

In order to obtain a degree from the Department of Agriculture, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment of the University of Thessaly, it is mandatory to write an Undergraduate Diploma Thesis (UDT) which follows into the category of “research by experiment” or “research by review of the literature” and can be either written by a group of students or individuals.

The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to introduce the undergraduate students to research. Each student can choose the thematic field in which he/she wants to prepare his/her Diploma Thesis, in collaboration with the faculty members. of the Department, starting on the 5th semester of studies.

For its completion, the student chooses from a list of suggested topics. The Diploma Thesis is evaluated and graded by a three faculty-member committee, and it is equivalent to the ECTS of six courses (E.C.T.S. = 30).

Regarding the conduct of PDT. the following apply:

  • Further instructions and information on the preparation of the PDT can be found here.
  • After the oral presentation and the final corrections of the text by the three-member examination committee, the P.D.T. is submitted to the Secretariat for the archive of the Department.
  • Oral presentation is mandatory (as an public-open colloquium).
  • The text formatting and structure instructions are specific and are available here.