Laboratory of Marketing and Technology of Aquatic Products and Foods


Laboratory of Marketing and Technology of Aquatic Products and Foods


The Lab. of Marketing and Technology of Aquatic Products and Foods (MTAPF) is a highly active laboratory of the Dept. of Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment (School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Thessaly, Greece) since 2007. The Lab is specialized in Food, Finfish and Shellfish Microbiology, Safety, Quality, Processing, and Marketing at Νational and Ιnternational level.


The main actions of the lab are:

1) Education

2) Research

3) Innovation Development

4) Mobility

5) Communication (Extension and Outreach).


Lab Highlights


  • Leadership and experience in National, European and International projects.


  • Education activities for students and researchers in novel methodologies, i.e. genomics, metagenomics, metabolomics, proteomics in the field of Safety & Quality of products from Fisheries and Aquaculture


  • Opportunities for students to participate in research projects and get professional experience in European or International Organizations


  • Mobility actions in Europe, USA, Africa and Asia, for the students and other lab members in the context of research or educational programs.


  • Collaboration with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and other organizations.


  • Collaboration with Universities in Europe (University of Turin, Italy, University of Reading, UK, University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway, University of Stirling, UK, etc.), USA (Seafood Laboratory Oregon State University, OR, USA), and Asia (Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, and 9 more Universities in Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia), etc.


  • Collaboration with leading aquaculture and seafood processing companies


  • Outreach activities for stakeholders e.g. aquaculture, fishermen, food/Seafood industry, food authorities, etc.


  • Extension activities for local communities


  • High quality of publications


  • International impact


The activities of MTAPF are the transfer of knowledge to young scientists (undergraduate and postgraduate students, doctoral candidates), the reinforcement of the skills of postdoctoral researchers, the search for research funding from national or international sectors  and organizations, mobility for exchange of scientific knowledge, strengthening the relations for collaboration between the academia and stakeholders, solving problems of the production sectors related to marketing, processing, safety and quality of fishery products at all stages of the production chain, communication-training of the production sectors to enhance productivity and sustainability of enterprises as well as problem solving - addressing challenges for the social well-being of local and international communities.


High quality know-how and know-why, training in novel techniques (genomics, metagenomics, metabolomics, proteomics) and their application in aquaculture, mussel farming and the food industry, sociability, close collaboration with leading companies, with European and international Organizations and with leading European Universities (University of Turin, Italy, University of Reading, UK, University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway, University of Stirling, UK), USA (Seafood Laboratory Oregon State University, OR, USA), and Asia (Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, as well as 9 other universities from Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia), coordination and participation in national and international research and educational projects, the quality of scientific publications, the recognizability of the laboratory at international level, the implementation of innovative research, education and communication programs for the productive sectors and society, the provision of international knowledge to address poverty, especially in underdeveloped like sub-Saharan Africa, and the modern equipment of MTAPF are force drivers for conducting undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral dissertations, to attract postdoctoral researchers, faculty members, researchers and students from all over the world, the implementation of new research programs, the provision of consulting work to individuals and companies, and so on.






Research interests

1) Safety and Quality of food and seafood

  • Exploration of microbiological quality and safety of seafood using omics, including:
  • Rapid identification of foodborne pathogens and spoilers using molecular tools
  • Exploration of food microbiota using NGS meta-barcoding
  • Rapid assessment of fish/seafood shelf-life using molecular tools
  • Rapid assessment of fish/seafood shelf-life using new spoilage indicators
  • Microbial interaction in fresh and processed seafood stored under various temperature and atmosphere conditions
  • Monitoring of Biological and Chemical hazards along the fish production chain in natural and artificial aquatic environments


2) Processing and Development of value-added products for food industry

  • Minimal processing of seafood
  • Processing, quality and safety of edible insects – Entomophagy
  • Intelligent edible films and coatings for food preservation
  • Consumer behavior 


3) Bioactive compounds for food preservation

  • Antimicrobial and antioxidant effect of bioactive compounds isolated from the marine and terrestrial environment
  • Beneficial microorganisms as probiotics

















Actions for Society


Global communication

Scientific contribution to the group of high school students in Greece - Uganda that received the First Innovation Award 2021 of FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), in "Healthy Nutrition and Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases", FOODATHON, WorldFoodDay.


Scientific contribution to the Food for Thought team that received the First Prize in the Panhellenic Social Innovation Competition (SIR) of Junior Achievement Greece and qualified for the World Final Social Innovation Relay Global Final 2022.


Community connection through MTAPF innovative research, educational and communication programs (Extension & Outreach)

  • Extension Research and Educational programs for the local communities, where the transfer of know-how resulting from targeted research based on the needs of the local communities, from MTAPF to the residents, to meet the local challenges and problem solving. In these programs, MTAPF first identifies the needs of the community and then works with local organizations and individuals to address those needs through targeted research. The local community is constantly informed about the progress of the research, while after receiving the results and ending up in conclusions, training seminars are carried out for the local community regarding the challenge faced by the local community, which also include educational meetings, tours and on-site demonstrations and other educational activities.
  • Community Outreach programs for the well-being of local and international communities, which support (eg., provide learning) people who lack certain services and rights, through meetings and activities.
  • Professional programs for workers, where the transfer of theoretical and practical knowledge of MTAPF is carried out to the interested parties of fishery, aquaculture, mussel farming, fishery and food processing industry, distributors, employees etc. This action is continuous and concerns the upgrading of knowledge in the field of food science, the improvement of products, the development of new products and the implementation of good practices, procedures, methodologies and technologies for the prevention, detection and tackling of problems related to food quality and safety from the first stages of the production chain to the final product, so that the production sectors produce products of maximum quality and safety in national and international commerce (see below the available training programs).


Available training programs for professionals

  • "Food Technology, Tasting & Marketing in Catering and Leisure: Seafood & accompanying Drinks" is addressed mainly to employees (chefs, bartenders, waiters, etc.) in the field of catering (e.g., restaurants, bars) and leisure (e.g., hotels, ships / cruise ships, trains, airplanes), as well as to any member of society who want to be trained in such disciplines. The program aims to transfer a high level of knowledge about the quality characteristics of fishery products and accompanying beverages (because customer satisfaction depends on the combination of quality characteristics of food - beverage and ultimately on their combined aftertaste), processing methods for production of processed food (e.g. production of smoked, salted and marinated products for immediate consumption) and beverages (e.g. production of beer) in the areas of catering and leisure, marketing, responsibilities of employees, their behavior and communication with the customer, etc., whose knowledge is a driving force for the attraction of gastronomic tourism from all around the globe. The training in the above disciplines will enhance the knowledge and qualifications of employees in such sectors and will improve their professional background, thus making them more competitive in the field of catering and leisure. In addition, it will allow them to broaden their horizons in food and beverage technology as well as in tasting, but also to be able to offer excellent information to consumers about the above as catering and leisure workers, which will increase the competitiveness of the Greek hospitality and will contribute to the strengthening of the Greek economy.


  • "Hygiene & Food Safety in professional kitchens, bars and leisure facilities" is addressed to employees in the field of catering and leisure such as chefs, bartenders, waiters, etc., as well as to anyone who want to be educated in these disciplines. The training program aims to transfer knowledge about the hazards (microbial, chemical and physical) found in food raw materials, hazards from staff or other sources of contamination, such as tools, working surfaces, equipment, etc., including viruses like SARS-CoV-2, and influenza (e.g. H1N1, H3N2) which can contaminate food during preparation or serving, drinking water which may be temporarily stored in tanks, the ice produced as well as the recreational water. It also refers to the prevention and treatment of risks - Rules of Good Hygiene Practices, related to staff, cleaning and disinfection, disinfestation, building facilities, equipment and handling of food (washing, thawing, slicing, cooking - baking, cooling, serving, etc.) as well as in the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) system, in order to maximize Food Hygiene & Safety in professional kitchens and bars, as well as in hotel kitchens, bars and restaurants. Leisure facilities, ships, cruise ships, etc., which will further strengthen the protection of the health of their consumers, will increase the competitiveness of the Greek hospitality and will contribute to the strengthening of the Greek economy at the international level.





The Lab is fully equipped for :

Microbiological (classical and molecular) and physicochemical analyses in the field of Food Science.

  • HPLC (with UV and fluorescent detectors)
  • PCR-gradient, Real-Time PCR
  • Electrophoresis apparatus
  • Gel visualization camera system
  • Nucleic acids extractor
  • Nanodrop
  • Micro plate reader
  • centrifuges
  • Stomacher apparatus
  • Laminar flow cabinet
  • Autoclave
  • Incubation chambers
  • Refrigeration chambers
  • pH-meter

Research in food processing

  • Vacuum and MAP Packaging machine
  • Gaseous atmosphere meter
  • aw meter
  • Blast freezer
  • Superchilling chamber
  • Smoker (for hot and cold smoking)


Sensory evaluation

  • Sensory evaluation room for 5 panelists




Recent Research Projects

2019-               Principal Investigator in : ‘Minimally processed value-added products from European sea bass (valueSeabass)’  – Funded by Hellenic Government and European Union

2018-               Principal Investigator in : ‘Rapid Fish Freshness Assessment. (ReFFRAME)’- Hellenic Ministry of Agriculture -The European fisheries fund (EFF) (2014-2020).

2019-2021     Principal Investigator in: ‘Microbiological spoilage and quality determination of chilled stored meagre (Argyrosomus regius) using modern molecular and analytical techniques’ - Funded by Hellenic Government and European Union

2018-2022     Partner in “Cardioprotective properties of farming gilthead sea bream enriched with biologically active lipids from olive oil by-products (ELAIOTSIPOURA)” – Funded by Hellenic Government and European Union.

2016-2021     Partner in specific agreement No 2 “Risk characterization of ciguatera food poisoning in Europe”, of “Determination of the incidence and epidemiological characteristics of ciguatera cases in Europe” European Food Safety Authority.


2017-2020     Partner in “Curriculum Development for Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security / SSNS” Erasmus+ CBHE ref. number 585924-EPP-1-2017-1-TH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP,


Publication in Peer reviewed journals (2015-today)

  1. Anagnostopoulos D.A., Parlapani F.F., Boziaris IS (2022). The evolution of knowledge on seafood spoilage microbiota from the 20st to the 21st century: have we finished or just begun? Trends in Food Science & Technology 120, 236-247.
  2. Anagnostopoulos D.A., Parlapani F.F., Mallouchos A., Angelidou A., Syropoulou F., Minos G., Boziaris, I.S. (2022). Volatile Organic Compounds and 16S Metabarcoding in Ice-Stored Red Seabream Pagrus major. Foods 11, 666.
  3. Ekonomou S.I., Parlapani F.F, Kyritsi M., Hadjichristodoulou C., Boziaris I.S. (2022). Preservation status and microbial communities of vacuum-packed hot smoked rainbow trout fillets. Food Microbiology 103, 103959.
  4. Syropoulou, F.; Parlapani, F.F.; Anagnostopoulos, D.A.; Stamatiou, A.; Mallouchos, A.; Boziaris, I.S. (2021). Spoilage Investigation of Chill Stored Meagre (Argyrosomus regius) Using Modern Microbiological and Analytical Techniques. Foods, 10, 3109.
  5. Boziaris IS, Parlapani F.F., DeWitt C.Μ. (2021). High Pressure Processing at ultralow temperatures: Inactivation of food-borne bacterial pathogens and quality changes in frozen fish fillets. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 74, 102811.
  6. Parlapani F.F. (2021). Microbial Diversity of Seafood. Current Opinion in Food Science, 37, 45-51. [IF: 4.577].
  7. Syropoulou, F., Parlapani, F.F., Kakasis, S., Nychas, G.-J.E., Boziaris, I.S. (2021). Primary Processing and Storage Affect the Dominant Microbiota of Fresh and Chill-Stored Sea Bass Products. Foods, 10, 671.
  8. Govari, M., Tryfinopoulou, P., Parlapani, F.F., Boziaris, I.S., Panagou, E.Z., Nychas, G.-J.E. (2021). Quest of Intelligent Research Tools for Rapid Evaluation of Fish Quality FTIR Spectroscopy and Multispectral Imaging Versus Microbiological Analysis. Foods 10, 264.
  9. Kotsanopoulos KV, Exadactylos A, Gkafas GA, Martsikalis PV, Parlapani FF, Boziaris IS, Arvanitoyannis IS (2021). The use of molecular markers in the verification of fish and seafood authenticity and the detection of adulteration. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 20, 1584-1654.
  10. Parlapani F.F. et al (2021). Shelf-life, microbiological changes and nutritional value of ice-stored thicklip grey mullet (Chelon labrosus). Journal of aquatic food product technology.
  11. Ekonomou, S. I., & Boziaris, I. S.* (2021). Non-thermal methods for ensuring the microbiological quality and safety of seafood. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(2), 1-30. doi:10.3390/app11020833
  12. Parlapani F.F., Ferrocino I., Michailidou S., Argiriou A., Haroutounian S.A., Kokokiris L., Rantsiou K., Boziaris I.S. (2020). Microbiota and volatilome profile of fresh and chill-stored deepwater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris), Food Research International 132, /10.1016/ j.foodres.2020.109057.
  13. Parlapani F.F.*, Ferrocino I., Michailidou S., Argiriou A., Haroutounian S.A., Kokokiris L., Rantsiou K., Boziaris I.S. (2020). Microbiota and volatilome profile of fresh and chill-stored deepwater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris), Food Research International 132, 109057 [IF: 3.579].
  14. Syropoulou F., Parlapani, F.F.*, Bosmali I., Madesis P., Boziaris I.S. (2020). HRM and 16S rRNA gene sequencing reveal the cultivable microbiota of the European seabass during ice storage. International Journal of Food Microbiology 327, 108658 [IF: 4.006].
  15. Kritikos A., Aska I., Economou S., Mallouchos A., Parlapani F.F., Haroutounian S.A., Boziaris I.S. (2020). Volatilome of chill-stored European seabass and Atlantic salmon products under modified atmosphere packaging. Molecules 25, 1981 [IF:3.060]
  16. Ekonomou, S. I., Bulut, S., Karatzas, K. A. G., Boziaris, I.S. (2020). Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes in raw and hot smoked trout fillets by high hydrostatic pressure processing combined with liquid smoke and freezing. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 64, 102427. [].
  17. Parlapani F.F.*, Syropoulou F., Tsiartsafis A., Ekonomou S., Madesis P., Exadactylos A., Boziaris I.S. (2020). HRM analysis as a tool to facilitate identification of bacteria from mussels during storage at 4°C. Food Microbiology 85, 103304 [IF: 4.090].
  18. Parlapani F.F.*, Anagnostopoulos D.A., Koromilas S., Kios K., Michailidou S., Pasentsis K., Psomopoulos F., Argiriou A., Haroutounian S.A., Boziaris I.S. (2019) Bacterial communities and potential spoilage markers of whole Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) stored under commercial simulated conditions. Food Microbiology 82, 325-333 [IF: 4.090].
  19. Parlapani F.F., Boziaris I.S, Meziti A., Michailidou S., Haroutounian SA, Argiriou A., Karapanagiotidis IT. (2019) Microbiological status based on 454-pyrosequencing and volatilome analysis of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) fed on diets with hydrolyzed feather meal and poultry by-product meal as fishmeal replacers. Eur. Food Res. Technol.[IF: 1.919].
  20. Parlapani F.F., Kyritsi M., Sakka M., Chatzinikolaou K., Donos S., Boziaris I.S., Hadjichristodoulou C., Athanassiou C.G. (2019). Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of light mass spectrometry reveals Enterococcus and Enterobacter spp. in major insect species involved in food security with resistance to common antibiotics. Journal of Pest Science 93, 159-170 [IF: 4.402].
  21. Parlapani F.F.*, Michailidou S. Pasentsis K., Argiriou A., Krey, G., Boziaris Ι. S. (2018). A meta-barcoding approach to assess and compare the storage temperature-dependent bacterial diversity of gilt-head sea bream (Sparus aurata) originating from fish farms from two geographically distinct areas of Greece. International Journal of Food Microbiology 278, 36-43 [IF: 3.451].
  22. Parlapani F.F., S. Michailidou, D.A. Anagnostopoulos, A.K. Sakellariou, K. Pasentsis, F. Psomopoulos, A. Argiriou, S.A. Haroutounian, Boziaris I.S. (2018). Microbial spoilage investigation of thawed common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) stored at 2 °C using next generation sequencing and volatilome analysis. Food Microbiol. 76 518–525 [IF: 4.090].
  23. Papaioannou E, Giaouris ED, Berillis P, Boziaris IS (2018) Dynamics of biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes on stainless steel under mono-species and mixed-culture simulated fish processing conditions and chemical disinfection challenges. International Journal of Food Microbiology 267, 9–19.
  24. Verdos GI, Makrigiannis A, Tsigaras E, Boziaris IS (2018). Survival of food-borne bacterial pathogens in traditional Mediterranean anchovy products. Journal of Food Safety, 1-7.
  25. Parlapani F.F., Malouchos A., Haroutounian S.A., Boziaris I.S. (2017). Microbial and non-microbial origin volatile organic compounds produced on model fish substrate inoculated or not with gilt-head sea bream spoilage bacteria. LWT - Food Science and Technology 78, 54-62 [IF: 2.71]
  26. Kazi M., Parlapani F.F., Boziaris I.S., Vellios E.K., Lykas C. (2017). Effect of ozone on the microbiological status of five dried aromatic plants. ‘Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture [IF: 2.08].
  27. Parlapani F.F., Boziaris I.S. (2016). Monitoring of spoilage status and determination of microbial communities based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis of whole sea bream stored at various temperatures. LWT - Food Science and Technology 66, 553–559 [IF: 2.55].
  28. Bouletis A.D., Arvanitoyannis I.S., Hadjichristodoulou C., Neofitou C., Parlapani F.F., Gkagtzis D.C. (2016). Quality changes of cuttlefish stored under various atmosphere modifications and vacuum packaging. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, DOI 10.1002/jsfa.7459 [IF: 1.88].
  29. Parlapani F.F., Haroutounian S.A., Nychas G-J.E, Boziaris I.S. (2015). Microbiological spoilage and volatiles production of gutted European sea bass stored under air and commercial modified atmosphere package at 2oC. Food Microbiology 50, 44-53. [IF: 3.37].
  30. Parlapani F.F., Kormas K. Ar., Boziaris I.S. (2015). Microbiological changes, shelf life and identification of initial and spoilage microbiota of sea bream fillets stored under various conditions using 16S rRNA gene analysis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95, 2386–2394 [IF: 1.88].
  31. Parlapani F.F.*, Verdos G.I., Haroutounian S.A., Boziaris I.S. (2015). The dynamics of Pseudomonas and volatilome during the spoilage of gutted sea bream stored at 2°C. Food Control 55, 257-265. [IF: 2.82].


Edited books

  1. Seafood Processing. Technology, Quality & Safety. Edited by I.S. Boziaris. IFST Advances in Food Science Series.Wiley-Blackwell, (2014).
  2. Novel Food Preservation and Microbial Assessment Techniques. Edited by I.S. Boziaris. Taylor & Francis (2014)

Book chapters

  1. Parlapani F.F., Boziaris, IS, DeWitt, C.Μ. (2021). Pathogens & Their Sources in Freshwater Fish, Sea Finfish, Shellfish & Algae. In: Present Knowledge in Food Safety. Elsevier.
  2. Boziaris I.S., Parlapani F.F. (2017). Specific Spoilage Organisms (SSO) in Fish. In: Microbiological Quality of Food: Foodborne Spoilers. Edited by A. Bevilacqua, M.R. Corbo, M. Sinigaglia, Sykes R. Elsevier, Woodhead Publishing, pp 60-98.
  3. Boziaris I.S., Parlapani F.F. (2014). Microbiological examination of seafood. In: Seafood Processing. Technology, Quality & Safety. Edited by I.S. Boziaris. Wiley-Blackwell, IFST Advances in Food Science Series. pp. 387-418.
  4. Nisiotou A., Parlapani F.F., Kormas K., Boziaris I.S. (2014). Old Targets, New Weapons: Food Microbial Communities Revealed With Molecular Tools. In: Novel Food Preservation and Microbial Assessment Techniques. Edited by I. S. Boziaris. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press. pp. 277-312.



Ioannis S. Boziaris, Professor (Lab Director), Seafood hygiene and preservation, email: 

Foteini F. Parlapani, Assistant Professor, Molecular Microbiology, Quality and Safety of Seafood, email:



Dimitrios Anagnostopoulos, Food microbiologist (MSc, PhD)

Petros Martsikalis, Ichthyologist (MSc, PhD)


PhD Candidates

Faidra Syropoulou, Food Scientist (BSc, MSc)

Stefanos Kakasis, Ichthyologist (BSc, MSc)

Athanasios Tsiartsafis, Ichthyologist (BSc, MSc)

Evelina Karamani, Ichthyologist (BSc, MSc)