Qualifying Examinations

Qualifying Examinations for admission to DIAE

The Qualifying examinations of the Department of Agriculture, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decision No. Φ1 / 192329 / Β3 (Government Gazette 315/2013, vol. B), regarding the Procedure for classification of graduates in Tertiary education and Law 4485/2017 (Government Gazette 114/2017 vol. A, article 74, par.3), on the Issues of admission to Higher education.


Submission of Application form, from 1 to 15 November of each year.

Required supporting documents:

  • Application
  • Clear copy of ID
  • Clear copy of degree or certificate of studies’ completion
  • Clear copy of study transcripts

For foreign graduates, a certificate of equivalence of their degree is submitted by DOATAP.


Qualifying Examination Regulations

The qualifying exams are conducted in the following courses:

1) Ecology

2) Zoology

3) Chemistry

  1. B) The successful candidates, under the responsibility of the Curriculum Committee, are included in a semester of studies that is not higher than the 5th semester.
  2. C) The courses of the qualifying exams correspond to the courses of the study program. Those who are classified on a case-by-case basis will be exempted from courses, or will be obliged to be examined in courses, following a decision of the Assembly to which the Curriculum Committee will propose.


Study Material for the qualifying Exams

The material of the qualifying examinations of the Department of Agriculture, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment is as follows:

  1. A) Ecology

Introductory concepts and definitions. Auto-ecology (relationships between living beings and environmental factors). Population ecology (concept of population, population characteristics, mechanisms of population regulations). Sin-Ecology: Ecosystem definition, structure and function analysis of ecosystems. Factors affecting the stability of ecosystems.

  1. B) Zoology

Cell structure and function, tissues and organs. Nomenclature and classification of animal organisms. Ways of reproduction of animal organisms. Theories about the evolution of species. Description of the different sexes with special emphasis on the classes that include aquatic species. Anatomy, physiology, systematic classification, biological cycles and economic importance of various animal organisms - Of particular importance in aquatic organisms.

  1. C) Chemistry

Solutions (molecularity, regularity, additive properties of solutions). Dispersion systems (growth of colloids, their properties). Chemical equilibrium (homogeneous, heterogeneous precipitation). Acids - bases - salts. Dimension, hydrolysis, buffers. Oxidation. Kinetics of reactions. Clustering compounds. Structure, classification and nomenclature of organic compounds. Stereochemistry. Organic reactions and mechanisms (substitution, detachment). Most important classes of organic compounds and properties (hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, carbonyl compounds, amines, sulfides, acids, esters and amides, lipids, sugars, amino acids, aromatic character - benzolic, phenolic, porphyrins, etc, heterocyclic compounds, porphyrins, purines, pyrimidines.


Qualifying exam schedule

The Qualifying examinations of the Department of Agriculture, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment are held from 1 to 20 December. The exact dates are announced on the website of the Department.

It is reminded that the participants in the qualifying examinations of the Department must:

  1. a) carry an official ID card or other official public document certifying their identity.
  2. b) be outside the examination room half an hour before the scheduled start time.

Those interested can request additional information from the Secretariat of the Department.